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California School District Settles Lawsuit After Providing Supports to Transgender Student Without Parent’s Knowledge

By , , December 14, 2023December 19th, 2023News

In another recent example of litigation nationwide over parent notice and consent related to gender-affirming supports provided to students, a parent filed a lawsuit against Spreckels Union School District, about 60 miles south of San Jose, California, alleging the District and three of its employees “secretly convinced” her child that the child was bisexual and transgender and to keep that information from the parent. The parent alleged the teachers encouraged the student to use a boy’s name and pronouns, wear boy’s clothing, and use a gender-neutral bathroom, all without informing the parent. The parent alleged her 14th Amendment rights to direct her child’s upbringing were violated because, the parent alleged, the school had a policy to keep information about a student’s gender identity and expression from the student’s parents unless the student consented. The District agreed to pay $100,000 to settle the parent’s lawsuit.