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Michelle Todd Discusses How to Empower Section 504 Teams to Navigate Conflict in Special Ed Connection

By May 13, 2021News

Hodges Loizzi partner Michelle Todd was featured in the May issue of Special Ed Connection for her insights on how Section 504 teams can navigate conflicts with parent accommodation requests.

In the article, “Empower Section 504 team members to say ‘no’ when it’s not in the student’s best interest,” Michelle discusses how specific accommodation requests may not always come to fruition.

“Parents are coming with the perception that if you don’t make accommodations, my child may die. You can’t fault a parent for feeling that way. However, that does not mean that you should always say yes to all of a parent’s accommodation requests,” [Todd] said.

Michelle details how teams can find balance by conducting conflict training and advises team members to build relationships with parents.

Read the full article here.

Special Ed Connection is an online source for guidance on special education challenges, education policy and legal developments.

Michelle practices in all areas of school law, specializing in special education and student matters. She frequently lectures on a variety of special education and student issues and is a frequent contributor to LRP/Special Ed Connection.