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As always, HLERK is proud to play a major role at the upcoming Joint Conference in Chicago. Our participation in the Conference is part of HLERK’s fundamental mission of service to the Illinois school community.

HLERK’s  service mission includes applying HLERK’s experience to  the training of school attorneys from across Illinois in order to assist all school districts.

Please use this newsletter as a handy guide to our various programs and activities. 

Our programming begins at the Council of School Attorneys meeting on Friday, November 20, where school attorneys from across Illinois will learn from HLERK alumnus Sonja Trainor, senior staff attorney for the National School Boards Association. Sonja will speak on National School Law Trends at the Illinois Council of School Attorneys School Law Seminar at the Hyatt Regency, West Tower, Crystal Ballroom B. 

Joining her will be Terry Hodges and Steve Richart, who will speak regarding Outsourcing of Third Party Non-Instructional Services.  

The School Law Seminar will conclude with a presentation by our retiring senior litigation counsel, Nancy Krent, who will speak on Ethical Issues Throughout Your Career.  

On Saturday, November 21, please join Heather Brickman and Jeff Goelitz as they present Board Member & Staff Use of Technology at 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency, Regency D Ballroom.

Later that day, join Stan Eisenhammer and IASA General Counsel and HLERK alumnus Sara Boucek as they speak on Superintendent Employment Contracts. This ever-popular and vital session for both superintendents and board members is at 1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m., Sheraton, Chicago 6, Ballroom Level IV.

At the same time, Stephanie Jones and Jennifer Mueller present School Safety and Crisis Management:  A Primer for Board Secretaries at 1:30 at Swissotel Event Center Vevey Ballrooms.

Finally, please join Stephanie Jones and a coterie of HLERK all-stars (and early risers) when she will moderate the session Legally Stumped? on Sunday, November 22, at 8:00 a.m. in the Hyatt Regency, Columbus E/F Ballroom. Challenge them with your legal inquiries.

We look forward to joining HLERK clients and friends at a special reception the Friday evening of the Joint Conference. HLERK clients and invited guests should already have received their invitation. 

The Joint Conference is a rare and vital opportunity for the entire Illinois educational community to come together. We very much hope you plan on attending, and, as always, we look forward to joining you there. Take advantage of the singular opportunity of having access to the best legal minds in the country in approaching an amazingly difficult and complex legal environment.