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ISBE to Define Dyslexia in Special Education Context

By September 29, 2014April 29th, 2015News

A new Illinois Public Act 98-0705 relating to dyslexia is currently effective. A new section of the Illinois School Code requires ISBE to adopt an international definition of dyslexia into the ISBE Special Education Rules (Part 226).

When ISBE implements this requirement, it may draft language to entitle dyslexic students to receive special education services. Further, the new law also requires ISBE to establish an advisory group (subject to the availability of private donations or a specific state appropriation) to develop training modules to provide education and professional development to teachers, school administrators, and other education professionals regarding multi-sensory, systematic, and sequential instruction in reading. The advisory group is required to finish its work by July 31, 2015. We will keep you updated as ISBE implements its mandates under the new law.

Contact Michelle Todd with your learning disability related legal inquires.