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Illinois Attorney General Website and Electronic FOIA/OMA Trainings Now Available

After being unavailable for the majority of calendar year 2021 due to an April 2021 hacking incident, the Illinois Attorney General’s website containing the required electronic Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) and Open Meetings Act (“OMA”) trainings is now available.  Due to the system’s shutdown, FOIA Officers have not been able to take required initial or annual trainings, and OMA designees and many new board members have not been able to take required OMA trainings through this website.

Under FOIA, a school board must designate at least one employee or officer as its FOIA Officer who is responsible for receiving FOIA requests and issuing responses within the statutory timelines.  FOIA officers must complete the Attorney General’s electronic FOIA training annually and newly designated FOIA officers must complete the training within 30 days after designation.

Under OMA, every school board member must complete the Attorney General’s OMA electronic training program or the IASB training program within 90 days of taking the oath of office for the board member’s first term and file a certification of completion with his or her school board.  In addition, every school board must designate members, employees or officers to complete the Attorney General’s OMA electronic training program within 30 days after designation. A list of designated individuals must also be submitted to the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor.

To access these trainings, visit the Attorney General’s FOIA/OMA portal and follow the instructions for logging in or registering.

If you have any questions regarding required FOIA/OMA trainings, please contact Steve Richart, Heather Brickman, Kerry Pipal, or James Levi in our Corporate/Board Governance practice group.

Source: Illinois Attorney General FOIA/OMA Portal